

(408) 437-1263


Balex’s family immigrated from Hong Kong to California in 1972. He graduated from San Jose State University with a B.A. degree in Biology, and obtained his teaching credential in 1984. After teaching in a high school for 7 years, he followed God’s calling and went to Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena for his Master of Divinity degree in 1991. He returned to North Valley CCIC in 1995 and since then has served as full-time minister in the Mandarin congregation in charge of worship, choir, and bible training. In September 2009 he led a group of coworkers to plant a church in Tri Valley.  At leisure he enjoys hiking, cooking, movies and travel.



(510) 490-8783


Miles was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan. He married Meiyin Chen at end of 1985. Soon after they came to US and studied at the University of Georgia, Athens. During graduate school, they joined a Bible study fellowship. Together they accepted Christ and were baptized in 1988.  After graduation, the family moved to California and attended CCIC-NV.  For many years Miles has served as worship leader and choir member. He and Meiyin also devoted in children and AWANA ministry. Currently in Tri Valley, Miles oversees the adult worship and he also serves in AWANA.  Miles and Meiyin have a son (Franklin) and a daughter (Joy). In spare time he enjoys sports and photography.



(510) 579-6137

蕭弟兄出生於中國廣東省中山市。22歲移民美國,在美接受教育。30多年來一直在加州矽谷電腦公司當工程師, 與妻子王彩瑛和兩個成人兒子住在加州三凡市灣區。1995年受洗歸主。2008年蒙主呼召進入神學院受裝備,一面工作一面進修。2009年被聖靈感動,全家回應主的呼召,受母會北區基督徒會堂差派到矽谷東灣Pleasanton市開植新堂。負責監督教育部,包括主日學, 訓練事工和關懷事工。2013回應主的呼召, 放下工作在北美基督神學院完成神學碩士學位。2015年全家回應聖靈帶領, 福音移民到 Pleasanton市三谷地區與方便教會牧養到今天。

Elder Larry Siu was born and raised in Zhongshan city, Guangdong province in the People's Republic of China. He immigrated to the United States when he was 22, and received his education in the US. Larry has been working in the Silicon Valley as a computer engineer since the mid 80s. He and his wife Louise, their two adult children Joshua and Jason, reside in south San Francisco Bay. Larry was baptized in 1995. He was called to enter seminary training in 2008. While continuing his job, he has pursued his theology study since. 2009, in response to the Lord's calling, Larry was commissioned by the Elders of Chinese Church In Christ, North Valley (mother church) to plant a new church in the Pleasanton Tri Valley area. Currently, Larry oversees the church's education and caring ministries. 2013, in response to the Lord's calling, Larry left his 30 years engineering career and continue pursuing his seminary theology Master degree at Christian Leadership Institution. He was graduated June 2014. 2015, in response to the Lord's calling, his family moved to Pleasanton Tri Valley area where his family can serve the brothers and sisters more effectively.


(510) 793-6879

麥美玲姊妹在香港出生長大,在一所教會小學的學生團契中決志信主,並於1971年受浸。麥姊妹畢業於台灣政大新聞系,來美後在矽谷電腦軟件公司任職。唸大學時她結識丈夫陳海山,1994 年兩人移民來美,即開始在加州北區基督徒會堂聚會及服事。2009 年回應神的呼召,與十多個家庭一同接受差派到三谷地區植堂,負責宣教及福音事工。她閒時喜歡遊泳、做手工藝和閱讀。

Ivy was born and raised in Hong Kong. She was baptized in 1971. She graduated from Taiwan National Cheng Chi University with a BS degree in Journalism.  She met her husband Hudson Chan in university, and they immigrated to California in 1994.  Since then they both attended and served CCIC, North Valley.  In 2009, Ivy and Hudson responded to the Lord's calling to plant a new church in the Tri Valley area together with some families from the mother church. Ivy works as a software engineer in Silicon Valley Software Company. In her leisure, she loves to swim, do handicraft and read books.



(408) 934-1921



Madeline was born and raised in Singapore. She accepted Christ during her junior years and attended Zion Presbyterian Church. Madeline migrated to Silicon Valley in 1998 because of work and has been attending CCIC-NV since then. In May of 2009, she responded to God’s calling to join the church planting at CCIC Tri Valley. She was invited by the elders to become core group member and serves in Finance and General Administration. Her life motto is: “I love, I serve, I run.”



(925) 846-8608


李南海弟兄來自福建漳州。他與太太吳玉梅育有三個兒子,李楓、李奕和李皓。南海和玉梅夫婦 在1998年信主,並受洗於加拿大Guelph Alliance Church。2001年南海一家人從加拿大搬到灣區後一直在北區基督徒會堂聚會,並於2008年參與三谷基督徒會堂的植堂。目前南海負責教會的家庭聚會事工,太太玉梅則參與兒童及姊妹事工。

Nanhai came from Zhangzhou, Fujian. He is married to Yumei and has three sons, Oliver, Curtis and Ethan. The couple got baptized at Guelph Alliance Church in 1998. The family started to attend CCIC North Valley after moving from Canada to the Bay Area.  Nanhai participated in the church planting of CCIC Tri-Valley and currently in charge of Home Group ministry, and his wife Yumei serves in children and sister ministries. 


執事─黃 霞

(510) 226-1915

黃霞在中國江西景德鎮出生成長。在大學期間認識先生楊尊德。 1991年感恩節前夕來美國,並首次聽聞福音。 94年聖誕節前在新澤西州Wycoff證主教會受洗歸主。先生於豎年在芝加哥北郊的華人教會(CCFC)受洗。 96年底全家搬來矽谷,隨即參加北區基督徒會堂的聚會。不久便開始在成人主日學事工上學習事奉。 2009年與一批弟兄姐妹一起來到三谷地區植堂,並負責成人主日學事工,參與姐妹會服事,並每月一次持續向老人福音佈道。她現在家住Fremont,,有 兩個兒子。平時都有晨跑,週末會爬山。最大的樂趣是讀屬靈書籍並默想神的話,也喜歡旅遊觀賞大自然,及全家在一起吃飯聊天。

Huang Xia grew up in Jiang Xi, China.  She met her husband Zunde Yang in the university.  They came to U.S. in 1991,Thanksgiving Eve, and heard the gospel for the very first time.  Before Christmas of 1994, she was baptized in Wycott Chinese Witness Church, New Jersey, and her husband was baptized a year later in CCFC, Chicago.  Their family moved to Silicon Valley at the end of 1996, began attending North Valley CCIC where she started to serve in Sunday School.  In 2009 her family went to support the planting of Tri Valley CCIC, where she heads the Adult Sunday School ministry.  She also leads Sister Fellowship, and regularly shares gospel message to Elderly Fellowship.  Huang Xia, Zunde and their two sons reside in Fremont.  She jocks every morning and hikes every weekend.  Her greatest enjoyment is to read and meditate on spiritual books and God's Word.  She always enjoy nature and family meals.


執事 -- 陳 岩

(510) 207-0027

陳岩弟兄出生在中國大陸,1989年移民美國。1991年决志並受洗歸主。妻子黎曉星也是來自中國大陸,1999年信主並受洗。他們在美國相 識,2000年結婚,育有三子,昌碩,昌鴻和昌泰。陳岩弟兄是一位物理治療師。他一家於2011年開始參加三谷基督徒會堂的聚會,他現在負責新人照顧,並 參與詩班,招待和成人主日學事工,妻子曉星參與兒童及姐妹事工。陳岩弟兄興趣廣泛,喜歡運動,攝影以及烹飪。

Born in China, George immigrated to US in 1989. He accepted Christ and was baptized in 1991. His wife Starry also came from China. She became a Christian in 1999. George and Starry met here in US. They married in 2000 and have three kids, Luke, Timothy and James. George is a physical therapist. His family started attending CCIC-TV in 2011. George is involved in newcomers' caring, as well as choir, ushering, and adult Sunday school. Starry is involved in children Sunday school and sisters' fellowship. At his leisure, George enjoys sports, photography and cooking.