出生於馬來西亞砂勞越, 已婚, 育有兩男一女.早期於新加坡神學院接受神學裝備, 後就讀於美國加州 BIOLA UNIVERSITY, 先後取得婚姻家庭碩士(M.A.)和教牧學博士(D.Min.)學位. 曾擔任新加坡社會發展部婚姻家庭講座特約講員, 美國洛杉磯真道神學院特約講師等.經常主領不同形式之婚姻家庭講座, 領袖訓練, 帶領教會與福音機構主辦之信仰生活聚會, 目前為美國賓夕法尼亞州基督使者協會之事工總主任.


Fuller神學院哲學博士, 現任北美華神院長及專任老師, 主授舊約神學研究, 舊約經卷, 希伯來文, 師資訓練.. 著有撒母耳記下(天道出版社), 如何研讀舊約(校園出版社), 十二小先知書默想(美國中信出版社), 以色列史綜覽研讀手冊(中華福音神學院出版社).


Maurice Miller – Ministry Brief
Since the early 1980’s Maurice Miller has poured into the lives of young people, creating safe and accepting environments for youth to discover spiritual, moral and ethical truths. Currently the Founder and Executive Director of Cross Connextion Inc., Maurice is bring together community – based and faith – based organizations which are united in making a positive impact on the youth of Compton, CA. Maurice is rapidly creating an imprint with his innovative programs such as the Back Yard Church for neighborhood youth and The Inspire Awards which recognizes inspirational public school teachers.



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