
  • 美國德州達拉斯神學院碩士,教牧學博士
  • 曾於菲律賓及美國達拉斯牧會二十四年
  • 曾任美國海外神學院教務主任兼實踐神學教授
  • 二零零三年創辦「聖言資源中心」,現任該會會長,專注從事信徒培育,教會事奉訓練及領袖訓練等事工
  • 現任美國加州基督工人神學院教牧學博士班客座教授
  • 現兼任香港建道神學院博士班客座教,教授「現代釋經講道法」
  • 代表作有:《十步釋經法》,《頑石點頭-彼得生平研究》,《永活的信仰-雅各書詮釋》,《真愛人生-林前十三章4-8節詮釋》與《求你顯出你的榮耀


Dr. Timothy Tseng

Dr. Timothy Tseng is the Pastor of English Ministries at Canaan Taiwanese Christian Church in San Jose, CA. He and his wife, Betty, have been married for 27 years and have lived in the Bay Area since 2000. They have happily raised two sons: Nathaniel (a senior at Santa Clara University) and Benjamin (a freshman at CSU East Bay). He enjoys photography, sports (he was the Canaan Fantasy Basketball champ last year), Facebook, and carpooling with Betty to work.

He has been pastor at CTCC for almost three years, but has always been committed to the ministry through his work as theological educator. Most recently, Tim served as the Executive Director of the Institute for the Study of Asian American Christianity (2005-2011).

Tim is called to strengthen the Asian American Christian community through research, teaching, and ministry. He has done research in Chinese American Christianity, Asian American studies, and the history of race in the United States. He received his Ph.D. from Union Theological Seminary in New York and has been a Professor of Religious History at a number of seminaries and colleges. Visit his blog at timtseng.net.





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