
吳牧師出生於澳門,十三歲遷居台灣。他畢業於台灣成功大學化學工程系及研究院,曾任職高級工程師。蒙神呼召後,在台北華神、新加坡神學院 、美 國歌頓康維 (Gordon-Conwell) 神學院和威敏斯特 (Westminster) 神學院進修, 並在威敏斯特神學院取得釋經學博士學位,論文主題是啟示錄研究。吳牧師 曾在台灣、美國牧會,也曾投身神學教育,在新加坡神學院全職任教並代理 教務主任,現任威明頓主恩堂主任牧師。吳牧師已婚,與妻子呂素琴師母育 有一子吳書亞,目前在 Ohio State University 就讀國際關係博士課程。


Dr. David Eckman

Doctor of Philosophy (Hebrew Studies and Old Testament); Master of Theology; Master of Divinity; Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy). Studied at Oxford University 1982-86. Major life project (twenty years of research) is the Family Background Study examining how family and cultural backgrounds affect adult functioning, mental health, and relationships. Former Executive Vice President of Western Seminary where he had the responsibility of managing a graduate training pro- gram for therapists (certified by the State of California Board of Behavioral Sci- ences and the Northwestern Association of Schools and Colleges), and also a training program for ministry professionals. Retired seminary professor (Western Seminary) and present Senior Lecturer of the Becoming What God Intended Min- istries (an international educational non-profit). Married to Carol for 41 years and father of two adult children Adrianne and Andrew.





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